There are many things that you don’t know about translation services. A good translation service is a versatile service that can do just about anything you ask them to. These services have a way of sneaking in places that you thought have no place of the translation industry, but they come in and they have a jolly good time and make you realize that yes, they are pretty useful.

Many a times, people try to deny the existence of translation services and translators, negating their use and their effectiveness. However, time and time again, this industry has proven to be useful, resourceful and amazingly sprightly in situations that are rather dull and boring.

Translation services are everywhere around you. The person sitting next to you could be a translator, no seriously check. With the demand for translation services rising with every passing hour, translation services are getting diverse and very entertaining.

Here are some incredibly interesting facts about language translators, translation services and everything in between that you never knew.

Translation Prowess To Extreme

When people think of a translator, they imagine a dusty old woman, sitting in her pajamas with nerdy glasses perched on her nose, probably with a bad head full of bed hair and a social pariah. Well, some of that description is true, but most of it is not (maybe). But have you wondered why is that? Why do these people sit at home, in front of their computers all the time and not care about how they look?

Because, an average translator translates 300, 000 to 1, 000, 000 words in a year. And this is the statistics of an average translator. Things go to the extreme levels if the translator is working with a translation service provider. So next time you judge a translator by his or her looks, think of the entire great translation prowess they have.

Enough For A Whole Town

Many people believe that there are never enough certified translators to help them with their translation needs. However, their facts need some fact checking. According to the recent survey, there are more than 300,000 certified translators. That is enough to fill a whole town people.

Most Translators In The World

Many companies complain that there are not many translators to be found when they need them (considering the above point, I don’t believe these people). The companies who complain the most often are American, and guess what? The majority of the translators belong to America. That’s right, 45% of the translation community live in America.

Most Often Translated

The people who claim “English is the language of the internet” are very seriously wrong. The world is beyond the English language and we have the data to prove it. According to a research, the languages that are mostly translated into other languages are English, French, German, Italian and Russian. Yes, folks. People now prefer to read things in their own languages, thank you very much.

Most Often Translated Into

And do you want to know which languages are chosen for to reach more people and a greater niche market? Of course you do! The chosen languages are French, Spanish, German and Japanese. The world is finally speaking!

Even French and German Love To Read

We all know that there are people who love to read and then there are people who inhale books like nobody’s business. And it turns out; French and German speaking people love to read (or inhale) books too. Because in the first decade of the 21st Century, novels and books of all sources and types were translated into German and French more than any other languages. And professional translation service providers translated most of them.

English And Arabic Are The Same (Almost)

Many people complain that their English to Arabic translator didn’t do a good job. They base this complaint over the fact that the translator didn’t use the correct punctuation. Well, did you know that Arabic and English have the same punctuation marks? Yes, they do. Even though they don’t have any common roots, they have the same punctuation system. So next, go easy on the poor translator.

The Word, It’s THE Word

You know which English word is most difficult to translate? It is “set” or “sets.” Surprised? Don’t be. Set is single most difficult English word to translate into another language because it has several meanings and contexts that can create fill a whole universe. It has many definitions and connotations and it becomes very difficult to find an appropriate word for it in another language that has the same meaning and connotation.

No Need For Punctuations Here!

Contrary to popular belief Chinese language (both traditional and simplified) use punctuation marks. Whoever started this rumor had no idea how the Chinese language works. Chinese language does have punctuation marks, and the quality translation services have been trying to make the world see the light for a very long time.

Vowels Are Tricky

Vowels are very tricky to translate, especially when a translator has to convert them into a vowel free language. Languages like Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic, Tigrinya and Amharic have no vowels. And when the translators have to translate words like facetious and abstemious, you can image things can get a little nightmarish for them. Words containing vowels are not easy to translate people!

Some Languages Are Just Darn Difficult

For some reason, people believe that every single thing can be translated in a matter of minutes. And in some cases, it is indefinitely true. However, there are some languages that are just too difficult, and to make sure the quality of the translation is good, the translators take some extra time. Some of the most difficult languages in the world include Arabic, Hungarian, Japanese, Finnish, Korean, Navajo, Icelandic, Basque, Polish and, of course, Chinese.

So next time, you are getting something translated into one of these languages, give some breathing room to the translator.  He knows what he is doing.

Difficult Words To Translate

Let’s face it, there are words in languages that are very difficult to understand, let alone translate into other languages. However, time and time again, we come across words that boggle our minds because they re impossible to translate into other languages. There is no way we can translate words like Jayus (a poor joke, so bad you cannot help but laugh at it), or Kyoikumama (a woman who pushes her kids to get good grades), or Tartle (the hesitation when feel while introducing a person when you have forgotten their name).

The Easiest Language To Translate

There is a language that is far easier than English to translate. According to most translators with years of experience, Spanish is the easiest language to translate to or into. This is because in Spanish everything is written as it sounds, which makes it the easiest language to learn and translate. You can find very little grammatical irregularities in Spanish language and this is the reason why people prefer Spanish to many, many international languages.

The Average Salary Of A Translator

Translation services are not the easiest and it is not best paying job in the world. This is not a pretty business, mainly because there are so many misconceptions about translation services that people are really not aware of the benefits this little community can bring them. The average salary of a translator ranges between $22,311 and $38,000 per annum. The most experienced translators can earn between $79,000 and $80,431 per annum.

Isn’t this an interesting industry?