When a company makes the decision to step into a different region or country, their first priority must always be translating their content into the new region’s language. However, it is very important for the company to have their content translated by an experienced professional company rather than an individual. If you compare the work performance of both of them, you will see that the differences are very evident. The reason behind such a vast difference is that a company has the required experience and the desired resources to make your content shine and stand out.

First of all, these companies have the tendency to sit down with their clients, talk to them and understand the project. The experienced companies will always want to know about the background of your company and what you desire to achieve from this transition. They will evaluate and determine the needs of the project and work on them as required by the project and you. Any changes required, will first be discussed with you and will only be implemented if you approve them.

An inexperienced company or individual will not have the resources or the tools to afford such a process. Also, they do not have the option to select a translator according to your needs. An experienced company, on the other hand, will have the resources to allow you to hand pick translators. These companies hire experienced translators, train them and keep them up to date with the new market trends. Each translator will have his or her specialized field and they will only work on the projects that best suits their expertise. In this way, you will get to see the best translation work. The chances of a mistake will be minimized.

Lastly, while working with individuals or inexperienced translator services, you can never be sure of their qualifications. They may say that they are certified by ATA (American Translators Association), but you can never be sure. On the other hand, an experienced company will always have their credentials and certifications on their website. If they are certified by ISO and ATA, they will show their certificates to you. Their portfolios will be on their website and their professionalism will be unquestionable.

There is so much more to translation and translating services if you give them a chance to prove themselves. Sure, the individuals and inexperienced companies will cost you less, but the companies with experience will have professionalism, resources and tools to back them up. Spending a little more money is worth it, if you know what you are getting.