Mars Translation is the translation platform which provides high-quality Certified Translation Services in Los Angeles Our platform allows the companies of all categories and sizes to order state of the art certified translations. Mars translation has a pool of native linguists and subject matter experts who provide you with precise and accurate certified translation in quick turnaround time and affordable rates.


This era of globalization demands, to deal with the global Los Angeles business in their native language. Mars Translation is here to fuel your global communication needs. Stringent quality standards are applied to certified translation projects in Los Angeles. Our 24/7 help service is available to solve our potential client's problems.

Our Certified Translation Services

Mars translation allows you to get certified translation in more than 230 languages by certified professional translators in Los Angeles. Each translation project is catered by our certified translators who are also Subject matter experts.


Translation projects are taken by a convenient online ordering system. Our process is very user-friendly. You can have your project completed systematically in quick turnaround time and affordable rates. Our certified translation services are perfect for Los Angeles Clients.

How much does it cost?

Our Services are provided to customers at very economical rates. Clients are charged according to different categories and pairs of languages. Our project management tools have streamlined our translation process and reduce overhead costs. Our economical rates don’t compromise on the quality of state of the art translation services in Los Angeles.

Why Choose Mars Translation

Services of Mars Translation are specially tailored to fulfill the requirements of potential clients. Mars translation has a pool of certified native linguists and subject matter experts who are providing state of the art translation services in fast turnaround time and affordable rates.


Stringent quality measures are followed to access the standard of translation. Affordable Price, Premium quality, Rapid speed is making Mars Translation the best choice for the Los Angeles audience.

Legal documents Translation

Legal Translation Services is a very complex field and requires precision and accuracy along with subject matter experts. Every country's law is different according to its culture. The time frame and difference of laws has made legal translation challenging pursuit.

Mars translation has a team of subject matter experts who have a thorough knowledge of legalese and who can provide precise and accurate translation according to the culture of Los Angeles.

We provide legal translation service including:

  • Contract translation
  • Summons translation
  • Patent and trademark filings translation
  • Deeds translation
  • Litigation document translation
  • Immigration document translation
  • Witness statement/deposition translation
  • Legal certification translation

About Los Angeles

Los Angeles, a beautiful city of America, Los Angeles is home to more than 244,000 businesses with a large number of minority and women-owned businesses. It is considered to be the nation’s top international trade center and manufacturing unit. Everyone wants to settle in Los Angeles for better business prospects.

To settle in New country is a very challenging and intimidating task. This is why many immigrants and expatriates are residing in Los Angeles. Everyone can’t speak English so to cater requirements of these immigrants and expatriates Mars Translation is offering its services. Mars Translation is just a click away and is available around the clock to handle your Translation queries and problems.