Never think Credentials are irrelevant, especially in the translation industry. Many times, individuals and companies are not even sure what credentials mean in the translation industry. If a company find a service provider that says they are “certified” translators, they are either puzzled or they take it for granted. Nonetheless, it is very important that you only hire a translation service providing company that is certified and shows its credentials on its website.

What Does “Certified Translation” Service Mean?

There are different scenarios in which we use the term “certified translation’. In some states or countries, people who wish to become translators must be sworn in as translators. This gives them the stamp of approval from any governmental body that is recognized in the country or state. In this way, these translators can translate legal documents and have them legalized in different parts of the country or even internationally. So if you are looking for someone to translate any legal documents, make sure that the company is certified by a body of authority.

We also use “certified translation” with people or companies who are actually certified by translation associations and authorities like ATA. ATA is basically American Translators Association, which is an organization whose sole purpose is to advance and facilitate translators and interpreters all over the world. If a company is certified by ATA and they must be showing the ATA seal of approval on their website, this means that their credentials are true. If you are not sure, you can always go to ATA’s website and check if the company is listed there or not.

Why Are Credentials Important?

Choosing a company with credentials will take the proverbial weight off your shoulders. Certifying associations like ATA verify, test and retest the companies and individuals before they give them their seal of approval. They have to work really hard and prove their talents to a variety of judges before they are approved and given certification. Plus, they have to renew their certification after a couple of years. There is no way you can be cheated if the company is certified by ATA.

Do you know that when Governments use translation services, they actually pressure companies to only use certified translators for their projects?

Also, if you find a company that is certified by ISO and follows the ISO regulations, you may have hit the jackpot. As you may be familiar with the working of ISO, International Organization for Standardization is responsible for making sure that the companies are following international laws and their work ethics are what is being promised to the clients. They make sure that the services these translation companies provide are of good quality, they are reliable and that your data is safe with them. Choosing a company with ISO certification will be a definite plus because you can be sure of their work ethics and their reputation.

The formal credentials can change the whole image of a company. Of course, there are many companies and individuals who are working in the translation industry without any formal credentials, but there are also some companies and individuals who are faking them. The best way to judge a company or an individual is by asking to see the certificates. A certified company will always have their certifications on display. If a company or an individual is not showing you their certification or is reluctant, chances are they do not have them.

Never believe anyone about their credentials without seeing them first. Also, choose wisely because your data is precious. It can be misused, and if your chosen company is not certified, there is no guarantee that they will be reprimanded or punished for their obstruction of law.