
Top 12 Free Translation Apps for Android

By: Salman Saeed Posted on Wed, 11-10-2023

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Language doesn’t have to be a problem now that you have a smartphone in your pocket. With the help of Free Translation Apps for Android, communication, and understanding between people who speak multiple languages are much more accessible. With all the translation software available, it isn’t easy to figure out which ones are the most effec...

Evaluating Downsides & Risks of AI Translations

By: Shahzad Bashir Posted on Wed, 11-10-2023

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Do AI translations really have the capacity to outperform human translators? Well, the impact of AI in the translation industry has become a matter of debate. You will find pro-AI and anti-AI groups giving their opinions about the impact of AI on business. Some argue that AI is the finest solution to futuristic problems, and others find it ...

Translation Plays a Key Role in the Medical Industry

By: Shahzad Bashir Posted on Tue, 10-10-2023

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Every field has its importance, but the medical field is the most critical of all. This is because it deals with human life. No doubt that technological advancements have made our life easy, but on the other hand it has resulted in environmental pollution. Environmental pollution and a lazy way of life have made human life prone to many diseas...

Translation Methodologies for Life Sciences Documentation

By: Salman Saeed Posted on Tue, 10-10-2023

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There is no denying the fact that life sciences translation requires precision and absolute accuracy if it is to be done at a high standard. The workflow is very complicated. From the time the document is given to a translation agency or a professional translator, till the time it reaches the client as the final product, there are multifaceted...

The Role of Interpreters in the Healthcare Environment

By: Shahzad Bashir Posted on Tue, 10-10-2023

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An interpreter usually performs the duty of bridging the communication gap between two persons who can not understand each other because they use different languages. He is not concerned with the subject and content of the speech; however, he is responsible for conveying spoken content to another person accurately and precisely. In this articl...

The Importance of Medical Translation

By: Shahzad Bashir Posted on Tue, 10-10-2023

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In this article, we are going to discuss the importance of medical translation. It is a common saying that health is wealth. We can perform the daily tasks of life if we are healthy. Without health, we cannot enjoy the beauty of life. Initially, people used to follow the remedies of their ancestors to cure themselves, then with time, developed...

The Global Need For Veterinary Translation Services

By: Salman Saeed Posted on Tue, 10-10-2023

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On March 3rd, the world celebrates World Wildlife Day. To commemorate this day, one important industry needs to be mentioned and that is the field of veterinary translation services. Biomedical sciences demand the highest level of expertise in the domain of scientific translation. In recent times we have seen that veterinary medicine has catap...

Identifying The Major Problems of the US Healthcare System

By: Shahzad Bashir Posted on Tue, 10-10-2023

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The US is the top economy in the world. Do you know, the average national cost for family health insurance has reached $1,152 a month? Additionally, it also considers whether the healthcare services are sufficient for such a large population. How much cost the government is bearing to provide the best medical care to patients? Do you know that...

How Medical Translation Can Help To Heal Patients?

By: Salman Saeed Posted on Mon, 09-10-2023

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Time is critical when you are sick and require medical attention. Both the doctor and the patient cannot afford to misunderstand each other. A Medical Translation system that accurately interprets what the patient tells the doctor can eliminate any mistakes. This means that more lives are saved and more people can return home to their loved on...

How Does Professional Medical Translation Save Lives?

By: Eric Nelson Posted on Mon, 09-10-2023

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Suppose you are on a foreign official tour, and you fall ill. You need to visit the doctor, but you don’t understand their language. What will you do? You will take the assistance of medical translation services. These services will mitigate the communication barrier between you and the healthcare service provider. You can tell the doctor abou...