Understand How Translation Services Help With 7 Most Common Molecular Gastronomy Techniques


Gastronomy is often known as the art and practice of choosing and preparing, as well as eating good food. Since, art does not have to be innovative just to be good, the same goes with the art and science of good eating. It is one of those words that are often tossed around in the culinary field, which is used to define everything from fine dining experiences, to the relevant studies of the chemical control of food. Starting from the science of human digestion to the study of different cultures and their interaction with the food, gastronomy teaches us all about the relationship between humans, food and the world they live in.

In France, the gastronomic meal is a traditional social practice for celebrating the most important moments, in the lives of the people here such as weddings, birthdays, achievements, births and also reunion parties. This meal highlights togetherness, the pleasure of tasting good food and also the balance between human beings and the nature products.

The gastronomic meal respects a basic structure, starting with drinks before the meal and ending with liqueurs, with at least 4 solid courses in between. If you want to know more about the different techniques of gastronomy here, check out the French gastronomy translation services.

Although gastronomy is a special blend of art and science, but some of its techniques go entirely above and beyond expectations, which can really amaze your eyes as well as your taste buds. Molecular gastronomy uses those techniques that relate to physics and chemistry, in order to design edible masterpieces that are completely out of this world. Have a look at the 7 most common gastronomy terms and techniques that are mostly used.


This is the method of cooking which is most commonly known as under-vacuum. Here, the food is securely sealed in air tight plastic bags, which are then placed in either a water bag or in an environment where it has a temperature-controlled steam, for a longer period of time than the regular cooking time. In some cases, a regulated temperature around 50- 60 degrees centigrade is used for cooking meat dishes and temperature that is much higher than this, is used to cook vegetables.

Food that is prepared this way, is always evenly cooked, equally tender from both the inside and outside. By making use of the Language and Industry Translation Services, you can get good quality translation services of approximately all your gastronomy manuals.

Flash Frozen

With this specific molecular gastronomic technique, food is frozen immediately by the usage of liquid nitrogen. This technique allows the water content that is inside the fruits, vegetables and other food products, without creating any large crystals or damaging the cell membranes therefore, preserving the texture of the frozen foods which would, in any other way, be soft and mushy, when you defrost them.

This process of flash freezing is often done in those industries, where food products are frozen within a very short period of time, by going through the cycrogenic temperatures or coming in direct contact with liquid nitrogen, at a temperature of -196 degrees centigrade.

Faux Caviar

Faux caviar is done with the help of a process which is known as spherification, which can shape a liquid into different spheres by using sodium alginate and calcium chlorate. In this process, liquid products like olive oil, fruit juice and tea can be shaped into tiny balls that look just like caviar.

The liquid is then suppressed in different shapes, covered by a very thin gel membrane, which is later enjoyed as a solid product. Taking help from the online certified translation services agency can be very beneficial, especially if you want to target other potential customers as well.

Caviar, considered as a delicacy is mostly eaten everywhere, either in the form of a spread or as a garnish. Beluga, Ossetra, Sterlet and Sevruga are the main four types of caviar that are the famous all over the world.


By deconstruction it is not meant by simply taking out a dish, separating its different components and then pilling them up in just one plate. But in this process, it is at first separating the different components of the specific dish and then recombining it in an unexpected way. The dishes that are deconstructed later, allow the food to further construct a personalized experience while eating.

Edible Paper

Edible paper is mostly made with the use of soya beans and potato starch. It is often used for decorating cakes, chocolate, cookies, candies etc, which can be cut out in decorative designs and can also be used to print different shapes. These tasty sheets of paper are most of the times printed with various types of edible fruit inks, from a laser printer.

Always remember to take advantage of the professional documents translation services agency, so that these professionals can better help translate your information in different languages, thus making it easier for everyone to read and understand.


Mostly foam is made by trapping the air within either a solid or a liquid material. Some examples of commonly used foams are mousse, whipped cream, and the froth that is always available in cappuccino or other coffees. A lot of chefs are now converting vegetables, fruits and cheese into foams, by using different types of food stabilizers and thickening agents. It is very important for you to keep in mind that certain ingredients can break down, if they are whipped for too long, especially if you are not using a stabilizing agent.


The process of turning a liquid, for instance vegetable juice or raspberry puree’, into a solid, not only gives it a different consistency but the food can also be cut into different shapes, creating beautiful visual presentations. Regular gelatin along with other gelling agents like agar agar, derived from red algae, can be used very easily.

 On the other hand, instead of using elastic or pliable substance, brittle gels can also be formed. These gels are firm in nature but also fragile at the same time. Brittle gels are made by diluting different gelling agents into a liquid substance like milk, water, or stock etc. There are many techniques that are still unknown to several people. It is highly recommended, to hire the French gastronomy translation services, if you have any further inquiries about this issue.