
Difference between Translation, Trans-creation and Localization

By: Eric Nelson Posted on Wed, 30-09-2015

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The Key Difference between Translation, Trans-creation, and Localization Sometimes companies get a little overwhelmed when they are dealing with translation companies for the first time. They have a whole world of services and they have no idea which service is for them. They might choose a service that has no use to them. However, a little...

Importance of Product Translation: Learn It before Its Late

By: Eric Nelson Posted on Tue, 29-09-2015

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  Product translation is very important. There is a multitude of companies in the market who are launching a new product almost every day. This has arisen the need to have safe and reliable companies with whom the clients can connect to. With the technology and the IT world expanding day by day, companies are looking for language translatio...

Multilingual Marketing for Brand Preservation - Top Trend

By: Eric Nelson Posted on Mon, 28-09-2015

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  Multilingual marketing is not a myth. It is actually a very useful and successful marketing trend that has taken the business world to new heights. It is an inexpensive marketing strategy that has allowed many companies to flourish and generate more revenue. It is basically a fancy term for global marketing, but in different languages. Gl...

Industries Where Translation Services Are Essentials

By: Eric Nelson Posted on Wed, 23-09-2015

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Translation services have allowed the companies to read out to the global markets in a more aggressive and radical way. It has allowed industries to gain more exposure and increase their credibility. However, there are still some industries who are still ignorant to the advantages of translation services. There are some industries that can get...

Importance of Credentials – Don’t Believe It Unless You See It

By: Eric Nelson Posted on Wed, 16-09-2015

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Never think Credentials are irrelevant, especially in the translation industry. Many times, individuals and companies are not even sure what credentials mean in the translation industry. If a company find a service provider that says they are “certified” translators, they are either puzzled or they take it for granted. Nonetheless, it is very ...

The Task of Finding a Reputed Legal Translating Company

By: Eric Nelson Posted on Wed, 16-09-2015

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Our world is getting smaller as our businesses are expanding. We are finding more and better opportunities to implement new forces and tasks in our business to generate more revenue. This has opened doors for companies who wanted to expand their businesses overseas. All in well and good, for such companies, however, legal businesses and corpor...

The Disadvantages of Hiring Inexperienced Translators

By: Eric Nelson Posted on Wed, 16-09-2015

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  When a company makes the decision to step into a different region or country, their first priority must always be translating their content into the new region’s language. However, it is very important for the company to have their content translated by an experienced professional company rather than an individual. If you compare the work...

The Advantages of Translation Companies: A Life Line You Ignore

By: Eric Nelson Posted on Wed, 16-09-2015

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Globalization has had a great impact on the overall economy of the world. It has opened doors for companies to expand their business into the new world and increase their revenues and returns. However, with the world moving on the fast lane, people prefer to only believe those companies that are familiar or at least show the potential to becom...

Don't Lose Your International Customers: How to Conduct Software Localization

By: Shahzad Bashir Posted on Tue, 18-08-2015

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What is software localization? Software localization means translating a process of adapting software interface and messages to particular languages, cultures and desired local look and feel. It is a complex process. According to Susan Armstrong, simple translation implies terminology research, editing, proofreading and page layout. Localiz...

Talk to your customers in their own language

By: Shahzad Bashir Posted on Tue, 18-08-2015

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“If I am selling to you, I speak your language. If I am buying, dann müssen sie Deutsch sprechen.” This famous quote is from the former West German chancellor Willy Brandt. The second half of the phrase means “then you must speak German.” He expressed a truth in a fabulous way, that if you want to sell, you have to talk to your customers ...