After United Kingdom, it is time for the USA translators to earn some extra cash in the upcoming five years.

Here is some good news for our USA translators. Amazon, the Goliath of book industry has made plans to increase the number of translated books in the upcoming five years. AmazonCrossing will get a whopping $10 million funds specifically for translated books. Since 2010, AmazonCrossing has translated 200 books and with this kind of funding, they can translate 833 books in a year.

As of now, it is estimated that a book of 80,000 words will be translated for $12,000. However, the final figure is not released. So English translators rejoice! The English translators finally have the opportunity to get what their efforts are worth. Working with Amazon might be just what you need to increase that income.

So, are you going to work for Amazon? Or become a translator and jump start your career.