In this day and age, when all industries are expanding beyond their current markets, the medical industry also has its eyes set on the global front. Translation for the medical industry is a complex and critical, but highly necessary, part of the global patient care process. Being of such high importance, medical translations require the utmost care and precision. Unsurprisingly, only qualified medical translators and specialists can offer this accuracy and precision.

It is of profound importance that the translation of medical files, prescriptions, records, and papers be handled by expert medical translators, mainly due to the sensitivity of the medical information. Any error in translation or omission of any detail, however small, can have disastrous and life-threatening consequences for the patients. In fact, history is filled with incidents of medical emergencies due to mistranslation, which led to incorrect diagnoses and treatment.

Reasons to Hire Medical Specialists for Translations

The cases of medical emergencies due to mistranslations are just one of the many reasons why medical specialists should be hired to handle medical translations. Let us take a look at some of the other reasons as well.

1. Medical terminology is tough

This is probably one of the main reasons why medical companies rely on the services of expert medical specialists for their translation projects. The medical content contains highly complex terminology that can be hard to understand and comprehend. In fact, medical information is notorious for having incomprehensible abbreviations based on Latin that are tough to understand. 

Medical professionals and translators are individuals who have been properly trained and educated to execute medical translations. These people have an eye for small details and possess medical knowledge to comprehend the translations. Allowing those specialists to execute medical translations will ensure no small detail is missed and that all information is appropriately translated.

2. Medical translation deals with drug research and clinical trials

Medical companies and research organizations deal primarily with clinical trials and research protocols. This means that medical companies require ISO-certified translations of their clinical trial documents and files. These ISO certifications are proof of the accuracy and quality of the translated content. Moreover, the medical industry itself is highly regulated by government authorities who require more than a mere assurance of the accuracy of translations. 

Due to this regulatory requirement, translations of medical content must be given to expert medical specialists and professionals who are aware of the regulatory mechanisms. Hiring medical specialists for translation will also ensure that all the sensitive medical information such as patient records and files are handled most securely and confidentially, without any threat of privacy breach.

A specialist in medical translation will not only be required to deal with translation tasks but will also be expected to handle different numbering systems as every language’s number systems vary from one another. Furthermore, he will not only be expected to understand medical jargon but also organic chemistry which is a complex field of medical sciences. Likewise, a translator must also have some knowledge of legal procedures as the documents required for drugs must be FDA-approved.

3. A large number of migrants do not speak English

According to surveys by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, interpreter and translator employment is expected to grow by 40% by 2024 due to a considerable increase in the number of non-English speakers in the US. This asserts the fact that a large number of migrants are non-English speakers and may speak and understand different languages. Since a large part of the US population is made up of immigrants, expert translators must be hired to perform medical translations during treatments. 

Healthcare organizations and clinics are expected to deliver the highest level of medical care to all patients, irrespective of their nationality and the language they belong to. To cater to the medical needs of migrants who do not speak English, it is imperative to hire translation specialists who have knowledge of medical content and treatments and who can translate into more than one language. Although the government is well aware of the need for qualified medical specialists for translations, healthcare providers are also expected to know this fact and should prepare for it accordingly. 

4. Urgent medical response may be required

Medical diagnosis and treatments are of an extremely sensitive nature, and sometimes, medical interpretation and translation may be required on an emergency basis. For example, a person who does not speak or understand English may be required to convey an important part of his medical care procedure to his relatives, which is possible only with the help of qualified translators and specialists. A failure to provide urgent translation for conveying the particulars of the treatment may have serious repercussions and effects. This is one of the many reasons why medical specialists may be required to translate files and prescriptions expertly. Moreover, to be able to convey this medical information correctly, medical translators must also have medical knowledge and expertise, to avoid any mistranslations and errors. 

Moreover, medical interpretation and translation also need to be urgent in their services as any delay can cause problems in the medical treatments and diagnosis. This is the reason why it is preferable to get assistance from expert medical specialists who have ample knowledge of medical protocols and procedures. This will ensure that medical care is dispensed to patients without any delay or hassle. 

Key Takeaway

Although the medical sciences and research field has progressed quite well over the last few decades, one cannot simply deny the role of translation and interpretation in the medical field. Expert and professional medical translation and interpretation are key to ensuring proper medical information is exchanged between healthcare providers and the patient community. Moreover, these translation specialists will also need to hold some degree of certification, stating their medical background and expertise. All these will ensure that correct and accurate medical translation services are delivered to global patients without any hassle or problem.